Vicky Kirby

Vicki Kirby is a Professor Emerita in the Social Sciences at the
University of New South Wales, Sydney, and a Visiting Professorial
Fellow at the Institute of Art and Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts
Vienna. The motivating question behind her research is the puzzle of the
nature/culture division because so many political and ethical decisions
are configured in terms of this opposition. She is also interested in
“the language question” – what is language, and how does the way we
answer that question define the human and inaugurate the political?
Books include What If Culture Was Nature All Along? (Edinburgh); Quantum Anthropologies: Life at Large (Duke); Judith Butler: Live Theory (Bloomsbury) and Telling Flesh: The Substance of the Corporeal (Routledge).
She is a member of the Terra Critica international think tank and
currently holds a Peek Grant through the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
that will bring research in human cognition into conversation with plant
Professor Emerita of Sociology and Anthropology in the School of Social Sciences University of New South Wales
︎ v.kirby@unsw.edu.au
Professor Emerita of Sociology and Anthropology in the School of Social Sciences University of New South Wales
︎ v.kirby@unsw.edu.au