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Isabel Kranz

Isabel Kranz is a postdoctoral scholar in German and Comparative Literature living in Vienna. Her ongoing research project Literary Botany: Plants as Figures of Knowledge, 1700 to 2000 focuses on the interrelations between the humanities and the sciences by analyzing different “languages of flowers.” Together with Joela Jacobs, Isabel founded the Literary and Cultural Plant Studies Network. Her publications include the monograph Sprechende Blumen: Ein ABC der Pflanzensprache (2014) and “The Language of Flowers in Botany and Popular Culture” (in The Language of Plants: Science, Philosophy, Literature, and Cinema, edited by Patricia Vieira, John Ryan and Monica Gagliano, 2017). She is currently co-editing an extensive handbook on cultural theory and the vegetal with Joela Jacobs.

︎ isabel.kranz@univie.ac.at